From A Proper Newe Booke of Cokerye, 1575
To make a tarte of spinage.
Take Spynage and perboyle it tender, then take it up and wrynge oute the water cleane, and chop it very small, and set it uppon the fyre wyth swete butter in a frying panne and season it, and set it in a platter to coole then fyll your tart and so bake it.
To make a spinach pie
Take spinach and parboil it tender, then take it up and wring out the water clean, and chop it very small, and set it upon the fire with sweet butter in a frying pan, and season it, and set it in a platter to cool, then fill your tart and so bake it.
I made this for the dayboard at Æthelearc’s 2018 fall æcademy. This was scaled for a regular 8 inch pie tin, but I think I would make it as small (bite-sized) tarts the next time. The filling doesn’t have a binding element, and it would be easier to serve as smaller portions.
Spinach tart
24 oz. frozen, chopped spinach
⅓ c. butter (melted)
½ tsp. Grains of paradise, ground
½ tsp. Salt
2 tsp. Ginger
½ tsp. Nutmeg
Baked pastry shell
⅓ c. shortening
¼ tsp. Salt
1 ¼ c. flour
4-5 Tbsp. cold water
Drain the spinach well. Mix with remaining ingredients. Bake at 350 (F) for approximately 20 minutes until heated through.